November 4th, 2021

Rapp Park Trout Fish Out November 13th

Bring the family and your fishing poles to Rapp Park for a Trout Fish Out event Saturday November 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association is sponsoring the activity in conjunction with Optimal Aquafeed, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Page and Fremont County Conservation.

Iowa DNR will transport 400-500 1 lb. to 2½ lb. Rainbow Trout from Optimal Aquafeed Aquaculture facility to the east lake at Rapp County Park one and a half miles north of Shenandoah on Highway 48.

A valid Iowa fishing license with Trout Stamp is required to participate. Shenandoah businesses that sell fishing licenses are Orscheln Farm & Home Supply, CBS Hardware, Walmart and they are available at County Court Houses. No license is required for youth under 16 years old when accompanied by a fully licensed adult. There will be a limit of five Trout per day per stamp including youth and a 10 Trout possession limit over the two-day weekend.

SCIA will conduct a raffle for kids participating to win fishing gear and chamber bucks. Registration will be under the park shelter. Contact SCIA for more information, 712-246-3455 or


September 12th, 2021

11th Annual Wabash Trace Nature Trail Marathon, Half & Relay Sept. 10th

· 11th Annual Race, locally-organized by Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association, Southwest Iowa Nature Trails, City of Imogene and Sons & Daughters of Imogene

Register online or Print entry form at

 · Electronic Chip Timing, USATF Certified, Boston Qualifier

· The Wabash Trace Nature Trail is a mostly flat, tree-lined converted railroad line crossing through scenic Iowa countryside with a crushed limestone surfacing

· Out & back races begin and end in Shenandoah for both the Marathon and Marathon Relay. Point-to-point Half Marathon begins in Imogene and finishes in Shenandoah

· Relay team divisions: Co-ed, Female, and Male

· 7:30 am start for Marathon & Relay in downtown Shenandoah; 8:00 am start for Half Half at Imogene’s St. Patrick Church

· 6 Hour time limit, finish line closes at 1:30

· Unique & fun water stations every 2 miles, first aid & emergency service on the trail

· Sign-up available for morning-of bus

   transportation from Shenandoah to Half

   Marathon start in Imogene. Bus will return

   drop bags to Depot for pick-up at end of race.

· Early packet & t-shirt pickup in Shenandoah (100 S. Maple St.) Friday, Sept. 9, 4-7 p.m. or at each start the morning of

· Showers near finish line (423 W. Thomas Ave.)

· Medals, snacks & beverages at the finish. Awards presented at Depot Restaurant with free beer!


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